
English As A Second Language Level 4

This course builds on students previous education and language knowledge to introduce them to the English language and help them adjust to the diversity in their new environment. Students will use beginning English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for everyday and essential academic purposes. They will engage in short conversations using basic English language structures and simple sentence patterns; read short adapted texts; and write phrases and short sentences. The course also provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to begin to adapt to their new lives in Canada.
SKU: ESLD Category:


Overall Curriculum Expectations

By the end of this course, students will be:

Listening and Speaking
1. demonstrate the ability to understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken English for a variety of purposes;
2. use speaking skills and strategies to communicate in English for a variety of classroom and social purposes;
3. use correctly the language structures appropriate for this level to communicate orally in English.

1. read and demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts for different purposes;
2. use a variety of reading strategies throughout the reading process to extract meaning from texts;
3. use a variety of strategies to build vocabulary;
4. locate and extract relevant information from written and graphic texts for a variety of purposes.

1. write in a variety of forms for different purposes and audiences;
2. organize ideas coherently in writing;
3. use correctly the conventions of written English appropriate for this level, including grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation;
4. use the stages of the writing process.

Socio-Cultural Competence and Media Literacy
1. use English and non-verbal communication strategies appropriately in a variety of social contexts;
2. demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship, and of the contributions of diverse groups to Canadian society;
3. demonstrate knowledge of and adaptation to the Ontario education system;
4. demonstrate an understanding of, interpret, and create a variety of media texts.

Course Details

Course Code ESLAO
Course Type Academic
Format Online School Course
Prerequisite None
Department ESL
Course Title ESL Level 1
Credit Value 1.0

Outline of Course Content

Unit Title Time
1 All About Me 20 hours
2 Short Stories 24 hours
3 Poetry 20 hours
4 Canada and Me 20 hours
5 Media Studies 24 hours
Final Examination 2 hours
Total 110 hours


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